Law Dictionary

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French mariage: Latin maritare: maritus, a husband. The private relation which includes the reciprocal duties of husband and wife. An engagement by which a single man and a single woman of sufficient discretion take each other for husband and wife. Marriage is the most important transaction of life; It is the basis of the entire fabric of all civilized society. To a valid marriage, consent is all that is necessary. If made per verba de praesenti, by words in the present tense, though not consummated by cohabitation, or per verba de futuro, by words of the future tense, and followed by consummation, it amounts to a valid marriage, in the absence of civil regulations to the contrary. It may be proved by reputation, declarations, conduct and rother circumstances usually accompanying the relation - ; and by what would be proof where the marriage took place. Patterson v. Gaines,

Source : William C. Anderson, A Dictionary of Law (1893)

Language : English


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