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Law Dictionary | Banking Law | Letter : D

Terms that matched the query

Legal Term

d.s.b. - William C. Anderson, A Dictionary of Law (1893) - English

daily interest account - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

damnification - Bouvier 1856 - English

damnosa haereditas - Bouvier 1856 - English

date of status - - English

days of grace - Bouvier 1856 - English

de facto - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

de jure - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

de mercatoribus - Bouvier 1856 - Latin

de novo - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

de-leveraged bonds - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dead load - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dead-pledge - Bouvier 1856 - English

dealer - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dealer paper - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dealings - Bouvier 1856 - English

debenture - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debit - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debit card - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debitum - - Latin

debitum - William C. Anderson, A Dictionary of Law (1893) - English

debitum in praesenti, solvendum in futuro - Bouvier 1856 - English

debitum sine brevi - William C. Anderson, A Dictionary of Law (1893) - English

debt - 2005 - English

debt - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debt capital - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debt financing - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debt investment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debt service - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debt service constant - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debtee - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

debtor - 2005 - English

debtor - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

decedent - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

declaration of condominium ownership - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

declining balance - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

declining balance depreciation method - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

decoctor - - Latin

decoctum - - Latin

decoquere - - Latin

decoquo - - Latin

decoxi - - Latin

decree of foreclosure and sale - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dedication - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deed - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deed given to secure a debt - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deed in lieu of foreclosure - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deed of trust - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deed restriction - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

defalcation - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

default - - English

default - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

defeasance clause - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deferred expense - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deferred income - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deficiency judgment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deficit - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deflation - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

defunct - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

delinquency - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

delinquency rate - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

delinquent debt - Delaware State Courts - First State Judiciary - English

delinquent loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

delivery - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

demand deposit account - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

demand note/demand mortgage - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

demergo - - Latin

denomination - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

density - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deposit - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

depositary - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

deposition - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

depositor - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

depository - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

depository institution - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee (DIDC) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

depreciation - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

depressed mortgage - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

derivative mortgage product - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

desperate - Bouvier 1856 - English

detached house - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

developer - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

development loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

DIDC - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

differential - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dime - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

direct deposit - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

Direct Deposit - Internal Revenue Service - United States Department of Treasury - English

direct investment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

direct placement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

direct reduction mortgage - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

director - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

directorate - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

directors' and officers (D&O) insurance - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

disburse - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

disbursement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discharge - - English

disclosure statements - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount brokerage - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount certificates - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount notes - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount point - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount points - Ginnie Mae - Government National Mortgage Association - GNMA - English

discount rate - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discount window - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

discretionary income - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dishonored check - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

disintermediation - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dismissed - - English

displacement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

disposable income - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dispossess - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

District Bank - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

District of Columbia - Bouvier 1856 - English

diversification - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

divestiture - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

divided interest - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dividend - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

docket number - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

document - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

documentary stamp - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dollar - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dollar bond - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dollar reverse repurchase agreement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

domicile - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

donee - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

donor - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dormant account - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

double entry - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

double entry - Bouvier 1856 - English

double-decker thrift --slang for a corporate structure in which one thrift institution owns another thrift institution. - Investment Law - English

doubtful - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dough - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

Dow Jones Industrial Average - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dower - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

down and out - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

down payment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

draft - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

draw - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

drawee - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

drawee - 2005 - English

drawer - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

drawer - 2005 - English

drive-in window - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dual index note - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

due bill - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

due care - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

due date - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

due diligence - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

due-bill - Bouvier 1856 - English

due-on-sale clause - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dun - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

duplex - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

Dutch auction - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

dwelling unit - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

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