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Law Dictionary | Investment Law | Letter : P

Terms that matched the query

Legal Term

package provision - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

paper profit - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

par - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

par value - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

parity - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

parity clause - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

partially amortizing loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

participation - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

participation certificate (PC) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

participation loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

partnership - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

party wall - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pass-through security - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

passbook - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

passbook account - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

passbook loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

past due - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

past due loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

patent - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pay - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

payables - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

payee - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

payer - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

payment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

payoff - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

payoff statement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

penalty clause - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

penny stocks - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pension fund - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

percentage interest margin - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

percolation test - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

perfecting a title - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

performance bond - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

performance code - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

performing loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

period certain - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

period of redemption - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

permanent lender - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

permanent loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

perpetual preferred stock - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

personal check - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

personal identification number (PIN) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

personal loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

personal property - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pipeline - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

PITI - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

planned amortization class - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

planned unit development (PUD) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

plat - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pledged account mortgage (PAM) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pledged loan - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

point - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

Ponzi scheme - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pool - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

portfolio - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

position - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

postal money order - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

posting - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

power of attorney - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

preauthorized payment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

preexisting use - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prefabricated housing - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

preferred debt - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

preferred stock - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

preliminary examination response kit (PERK) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

premium - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prepayment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prepayment clause - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prepayment penalty - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prescriptive code - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

preservation of capital - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prima facie - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

primary dealer - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

primary market - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prime rate - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

principal - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

principal balance - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

principal basis - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

principal office - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

principal only (PO) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prior lien - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

private enterprise - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

private mortgage insurance (PMI) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

private placement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

private sector - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pro forma statement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

pro rata - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

probate - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

problem institution - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

profit - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

profit and loss statement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

profit center accounting - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

program trading - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

progress payment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

promissory note - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

property - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

property assessment - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prorate - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

prospectus - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

proxy - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

public sector - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

PUD - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

punch list - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

purchase accounting - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

purchase agreement - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

purchase option - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

purchase-money mortgage - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

purchased credit card relationships (PCCR) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

purchased mortgage servicing rights (PMSR) - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

purchasing power - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

put - U.S. Department of the Treasury - English

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