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Date: [Date of the Guarantee]

FOR CONSIDERATION RECEIVED, and as further incentive for [Name of the creditor], hereinafter "Creditor" to advance credit to [Name of the Borrower] residing at [Address of the Borrower], hereinafter "Borrower", the undersigned, hereinafter "Guarantor", jointly and severally guarantee complete and timely payment of the liability that the Borrower owes to the Creditor. That liability is as follows: [Description of the liability].

Upon nonpayment by the Borrower of a payment properly due and owing to the Creditor, the Creditor may move against the Guarantor without the need to move first against the Borrower.

Furthermore, the Guarantor shall continue to be obligated on this guaranty, until it is revoked in writing by both the Guarantor and the Creditor. This agreement shall be binding and shall attach to the successors and assigns of the Guarantor.

By: Address: